Review: Bikini Warriors

A series based on a Hobby Japan property is sure to light up my eyes so when I saw an anime announced called Bikini Warriors my eyes were drawn to it instantly. Bikini laden beauties in fantasy world is too hard not to be interested and finding out it was a short series piqued my interest but did it live up to what I had imagined?

The general setup here is that 4 girls are travelling around, completing quests and fighting monsters as normal adventurers would. There is no overarching story but a series of short episodes and that really is it. It’s common for short series to take this approach and setup and it works here so well. We know what they are, we know who they are and we can just sit back and enjoy the episodic comedic tales that come.

The four girls fill a typical role in a party and are referred to simply by their roles. You have the Fighter, Paladin, Mage and Dark Elf. Each have their own distinct look and own distinct character traits that are used and played on throughout for comedy and fan service. I like this as it doesn’t needlessly get in the way, the focus on this series is the comedy, is the fan service based around these tropes in fantasy and RPG realms. New girls show up along the way as well to add even more to the fantasy and RPG parody feel such as the Hunter and Valkyrie.

Whether or not you like this anime will come down to two simple aspects: the comedy and the fan service. Both are intertwined with each other quite often though. For me the comedy was consistently funny. Not an episode went by without me laughing or having a constant smile on my face.

The comedy primarily takes jabs at the standard tropes and clichés you’ll see in fantasy games starting off with the obvious: the bikini armor. How can a woman go around like that and expect to have any kind of protection? Well there’s an explanation and it makes ludicrous sense within the world.

There is so much more to come in this vein, from what happens when a member of your party dies, travelling through a dungeon and running out of items, taking on a big boss and a personal favourite of mine the going into people’s homes. Time and again in RPGs you can enter someone’s house, take some of their stuff and suffer no consequences so to see it played up on here and with a devastatingly funny end result was a real joy.

The fan service is both plentiful and suitably erotic. All the girls wear varying levels of revealing bikinis, time and again they happen to lose them or end up in precarious and lewd positions with each other or others. The camera angles always leave a nice focus on their bodies giving sublime focus to the most erotic aspects.

That is pretty much the main crux of the content here. There isn’t anything extra to it and that is just fine as it works so well. The short time given means jokes don’t get overplayed and stale as well as meaning each episode can have something different and fresh as its topic. If you do not like the comedy though there is little else to attract you here bar the fan service.

As someone who adores fan service I could not get enough of this. It helps that all the girls are beautifully designed. Taking their designs from famed mangaka Oda Non each of the girls is lavishly drawn with a mix of proportions and body types all whilst retaining the arousing aura they exude. The animation doesn’t quite keep up though with some fairly average visuals but the focus on the girls is kept which is the important thing.

At the end of the day the name and synopsis should be enough for you to determine whether you will like this or not before delving in. I greatly enjoyed it with my only complaint being there wasn’t more of it. The humour clicked with me and the abundance of fan service was delectable. It is simply a joy to watch and rewatch. A recommend to RPG and fantasy fans who don’t mind a bit of lewdness.

Studio: feel.
Release: 2015
Length: 12 episodes + 1 special + 2 OVAs
Availability: BD Box


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